Guided By Kate The Adventure Life Coach

… oh go on then you can say hello to Esmé too!

Ey Up! Now Then! How Do?

If you don’t have any clue what I’m talking about, then good, at least we’re on the same page!

Anyway, I’m Kate, and if you didn’t guess from that greeting, I’m a proud Yorkshire lass. Welcome to my corner of the internet where I make wild accusations about being a Master “Experi-Mentor” that are all true!

If I were to describe myself in three words they would be; Curious & Confused but Confident. In my world, life is all about taking the experimental path. I often say I have no idea what I’m doing, but it’s okay because everything is an adventure and my motto is “it’s either a good idea or a good story.” Over here it’s all about switching up that mindset and thinking outside the box.

I’m not your average Mentor, and I will never pretend to be perfect, but what I am is relatable, real and honest. I’m on this boat with you. We all know life can be chaos sometimes, and to be honest the last thing you want me to tell you is to do a load of affirmations that will magically bring you your dream life. It won’t - we’re not here to be delulu!
What I can do though is show you that those dreams that seem unrealistic or unattainable are actually very achievable when you know how to work with yourself instead of against yourself. (we see you self-sabotage!) We’re here for mindset shifts that turn into action packed transformations.

I created Guided By Kate as a way to bring an experimental and curious way of coaching to other weird and wonderful people like you, who want to experiment with life and find a way that doesn’t give you the ick but instead makes you feel like a giddy kipper!

My style of Mentoring has come from a life of trial and error, and the realisation that I just needed to get a life and stop worrying about all the “what ifs”. I was determined to start guiding myself and stop listening to what I thought I “should” do. It took a lot of experimentation (which we are fully here to embrace) and eventually it developed into a way to be able to guide others to GET A LIFE they love!

If you’ve been the type to do things everybody else’s way only to realise it literally never works for you, I see you! I always used to read everyone else’s rule book (though my mum would disagree). I tried to go the conventional route all the time, but I’d always find myself at dead-ends or meeting roadblocks, and living a life that just made no sense to me. In the end trying to do life how I thought I should do it made me ill, tired, and uninspired (sad times).

But it wasn’t the end, it was just the beginning. I decided to take my curious nature and run with it. After a few years of exploring the “bewilderness,” (my term for being lost in vast landscape of options, not knowing which way to go, but willing to try anything out) all the experimenting started to give me clarity, I felt inspired by life again. I was able to enjoy myself, and I was excited again. My health improved, my mental health was so much better for it, and the fear of failure just didn’t have control over my life that it once had. Life started to gradually become a bit of an adventure playground. The things that once used to stress me out just didn’t seem to matter as much anymore, and the things that bring me joy are now my top priority.

I understand what it feels like to want to find your purpose and feel good about your life, but I also know what it feels like to create your own purpose and passion for life, and the secret is to literally let yourself experiment and see every part of life as an adventure. When you realise you can never have all the answers or get everything right all the time, it becomes easier to create a way of life that feels good to you.

So let’s take perfectionism and chuck it in the f**k it bucket and GET A LIFE, because life is just one big adventure worth getting giddy about!

Join me on this grand experiment through life and let’s create the most epic tale of adventure you could ever imagine!

It's either a good idea or a good story